Below are some important reminders on how to prepare for and what to pack on your trip.



  • Plan your trip in advance. Be advised that planning your trip as early as possible gives you enough time to think about important things like travel documents and what to pack. From checking your passport and visa, looking up the best accommodations, and choosing the color of your travel bag. Plus, you can usually find better deals when you look in advance.
  • Make sure you take out the local currency of your destination to simplify things once your there. Find the best credit card to use while traveling and make sure to inform your bank you will be abroad to avoid getting your account flagged.
  • Update yourself on the local news of your country of destination. Always put your safety always first, security issues in international destinations can change quite rapidly.
  • Take time to learn how things go in your place of destination. The language and culture basics. Culture shock can be exciting, but offending someone in another country is not.
  • Secure a map of your destination (this has saved my ass so many times). Having one will lessen your worries of being lost. If you have a GPS that can work abroad, even better. Also, familiarize yourself to the local timezone and the weather. It will give you information on how to pack and what to expect.
  • Plan your schedule once you arrive. Making a concrete plan on how you will use your time and following it like clockwork will surely makes for smooth sailing and able to you to see all the sights you want to.
  • Spend your budget wisely so that you will avoid hassle.

What to Pack:

  • I always forget the little things. Make sure to bring things such as your toothbrush, flashlights, eyeglasses, and other little items that can fall through the cracks when packing.
  • You might be tempted to buy all your needs overseas and just bring them home, but if you use Kohl coupons you can get a good deal on almost everything you need before hand, then you won’t have to worry about it! You might be screwed if you found out that the nearest store is extremely far from where you’re staying.
  • Pack based on your destination. If you’re doing a lot of hiking, you probably won’t need any high heels.
  • Your cellular phone is sure to be included, but bringing your favorite gadget can sometimes be of help too. And do not ever dare to forget your chargers and adapters
  • However, remember to limit the number of your luggage. Prioritize and sort out. Excess baggage is excess charge.

Happy travels!

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