When you arrive at one of the Port Aransas vacation rentals, take a good look-the place is filled with beauty spots. This is Texas, so be prepared for the heat. Restaurants abound offering everything from Buffalo wings to the more discerning palette of Italian gnocchi covered in butter, basil and parmesan, so these meals will ne more expensive.
See the waves and try wind surfing or sailing-the people are so friendly here tat they will lend you a hand- or take the novice approach and get a professional to teach you a few things. One of the best things to see, especially if you are European, is Winton’s Candy Company. The place is mind-boggling and has every type of sweet treat you can imagine. It is even better than Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory so be prepared to part with your cash. They have everything here-lollipops chocolate swirls and liquorice laces. Even the most serious of adults will feel like a kid here.
Take a boat ride. See the sea. This is a marvellous place to witness the beauty of nature. Beaches here are some of the best in the world – suntan with a cocktail ot dare to be bold and venture into one of the bluest seas. The scenery is awe-inspiring when a boat is hired and the feeling of being at one with nature is incredible. Hills stretch up so high, the eyes will reach the moon and you almost feel that the place had just been discovered. You must also visit the lakes to see the endangered whooping crane. This bird is a stunning species and this is one of the only places for it to be seen. There are places here that you can be and believe, truly that you are in prehistoric times. Of course, there are parks and zoos in this city but when on vacation, do something a little bit different.
If bravery is your thing, hire a boat and swim with sharks. That is proper sharks, not the small toothed variety – great whites swim here and it is possible to hire a boat with a cage. Remember Jaws? You can experience the real thing for a price (it’s not that expensive, in monetary terms-well worth it and the photo opportunities are great)
Although Port Aransas is a small place – off the mainland but still close enough to pop over, you cannot be at a loss for things to so if you grasp the place in your hands to explore it in a proper way. The gregarious people of Port Aransas will see that your time here is enjoyable and they will aid you with having the best time possible. From relaxing and tanning on one of the ace beaches to taking that step to the cage to see one of the scariest fish on Earth, this place can be one of adventure, excitement or lazy relaxation- depending largely on what is desired. All it takes is a little daring on your part and Port Aransas will do the rest.