Travel is one of those things in life that is exceptionally rewarding and often priceless. However, in order to come home from an amazing vacation with only good memories and not stories of losing your wallet or being stranded with no money, there is a basic traveler’s checklist, that you should try to abide by.
Of course, you can’t go into travel thinking that the world is a big scary place and that everyone you meet is a possible pickpocket, but at the same time, there are some safety precautions that you should still take. Money is a big one. There are some simple methods to help you avoid becoming a theft target, such as keeping your wallet in an inaccessible place, like the pocket within your jacket instead of the back pocket of your jeans.
Other methods include splitting up your finance sources. Keep only a minimal amount of cash on your person and perhaps one credit card, while keeping the rest of your cash and cards locked up in a hotel room or your hostel. Keeping everything on you makes you more of a target and leaves you quite helpless if your wallet is indeed stolen or misplaced.
Another precaution is to never travel with a massive limit on your credit card. When traveling, it is sometimes best to go with prepaid card options. MasterCard for example, has a prepaid alternative, which can used like any regular credit card. The difference is that your balance can be topped up safely via cash tokens such as paysafecard. This will limit how much money can be lost if stolen, and curb your spending in general.
Potentially worse than losing your credit card, is losing your passport or ID. It goes without saying that you should never keep your physical passport on you. Again, this is an item that would be best kept in a hotel safe, along with your extra money and credit cards. However, as it usually serves as your only form of ID, backups like keeping a photocopied printout on you, or a digital copy on your phone are definitely good practices.
You should also have copies of your travel insurance and flight documentation, in case any of this info goes missing. It is also good training to keep a travel insurance policy card, or at least company name and policy number on you. That way, if you are hospitalized, your insurance information is directly on you and you won’t be hit with a massive bill.
If you observe some of these simple practices, you will be able to travel with ease and ensure that the memories you come home with are only positive ones.
Image by mynameisharsha under cc license